Monday, July 4, 2011

Traditional Turkish Breakfast

Breakfast is essential for all of us. Each culture has its own habits to start the day with either a sweet breakfast, savory one or a combination of both.

For some foreigners, Turkish breakfast can be surprising as "how can a person starts the day eating tomatoes and cucumbers". For me too, I had to adjust, but I now enjoy very much my breakfast a la Turca.

Though, I must say that some morning (especially when I am tired) nothing can replace Café au Lait et une tartine beurée au miel ou à la confiture.

Turkish breakfast, as illustrated in this picture taken in Göcek, is eaten in two parts:
a first savory part with beyaz peynir, kaşar peynir, olives, tomatoes and cucumbers.
a sweet part with bread or ideally Simit, honey, butter and jam (sour cherry, strawberry as pictured here).
And of course, a glass of freshly brewed Turkish Çay (Tea)

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