Monday, July 4, 2011

Summer Time, Summer Time

It is hot again and  I must say, I like it!

So to freshen-up, here are three nice recipes:

- My father's recipe, homemade frozen strawberry sorbet
Blend about 500g of strawberries, with juice of  half lemon (or less), sugar to taste, and 1-2 fresh mint leaves (optional)
In order to obtain a smooth texture, do the following: blend the sorbet - freeze it - blend  it - freeze it :)

- a homemade fresh-mint lemonade
Recipe: completely up to you, as long as you mix freshly squeezed lemons, water, fresh mint and sugar then refrigerate and serve cold!

- a homemade peach flavored ice-tea
Recipe: very important to start with boiling water in order to infuse the tea, drop some peach slices and sweeten with some sugar or preferably some Üzüm Pekmez  ("grape molasse", my ultimate discovery in Turkey and absolutely loved ingredient)

Cool down to room temperature (by letting the tea infuse for 4-5 min max) then refrigerate before serving cold.

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