Monday, August 8, 2011

Normadie: Green and Organic

This summer again, we had a very nice short stay at my Aunt and Uncle's country house in Normandie, surrounded with green fields, black-white cows, vineyards and farms.

During our stay, my aunt ordered  this wonderful organic basket of seasonal vegetables, that a neighbor harvests and sells to the surrounding houses.

 Normandie being close to the Atlantic and somehow fresh in summertime, its fields offer are known for apples, pears, plums and mirabelle-plums (small and yellowish). As for the vegetable side, our baskets was very representative of what can be easily planted and harvested in the region: potatoes, red and green onions, very very large squash, and a variety of leafy vegetables such as lettuce and fresh herbs

(some Pink to contrast with the surrounding "green")

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